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Travel and Tourism Nepal

Hiking in Nepal: A Journey Through the Land of the Himalayas

Hiking in Nepal: A Journey Through the Land of the Himalayas

Nepal, the landlocked kingdom in the heart of the Himalayas, is a dream destination for adventure seekers. With eight of the world's fourteen highest peaks, including the mighty Everest, Nepal offers a haven for hikers of all levels. From gentle strolls through serene valleys to challenging treks culminating in breathtaking mountain panoramas, there's a perfect hike waiting to be discovered.

Monsoon Melodies: Explore the Rhythmic Beauty of Nepal

Monsoon Melodies: Explore the Rhythmic Beauty of Nepal

Though the Himalayas are often associated with Nepal, the country's real attraction is in the rainy season. Monsoon Nepal is a symphony of glowing waterfalls, green valleys, and a strong cultural process that awakens with the rain. Forget the postcard-perfect images of snow-capped peaks. Here's a closer look at what you can expect during this special and sometimes overlooked time of year for travel.

UNESCO World Heritage: Swayambhu Nath

UNESCO World Heritage: Swayambhu Nath

"In Satya Yuga, Bipaswi Buddha came from a city known by the name of Bandhumati; and having taken up his abode on the mountain to the west of Nag Hrad(Kathmandu Valley) sowed a lotus-seed in the tank, on the day of the full moon in the month of Chait. The lotus seed that had been sown brought forth a lotus flower, in the middle of which Swayambhu (who had come from Aknisht Bhuban) appeared in the form of light, on the day of the full moon in Aswin." Wright 1877: 77-78